Award: $1,000 stipend

Purpose: Clinical Research Award: To foster the goals of Sigma Theta Tau by encouraging, with a $1,000 research stipend, contributions to the advancement of nursing through research.


This award may be used for research applicable to nursing practice including:

Conducting pilot studies.

Research utilization projects

Conducting ongoing research investigations.

Funding Guidelines:

Duplication funding is not permitted, however, dual or multiple sources of funding to make a larger study are permitted.

Funding is to be used for project-related expenses only such as research assistance, secretarial support, supplies, and equipment.

Funds may not be used for the investigator’s salary or travel expenses.

Unused funds or funds not used within the stipend timeline must be returned to Gamma Phi Chapter.

Changes in timelines must be approved in writing.

Candidate Guidelines:

Gamma Phi Chapter member.

When more than one investigator is listed, identify the individual that will be the person:

responsible for the investigation.

communicating with Gamma Phi Chapter.

The recipient of the award must acknowledge Gamma Phi Chapter support in publications and presentations resulting from the award.

Please submit: Project Description Memo

Selection: By consensus of the Awards Committee

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