Goal of Program

The Perinatal NET (Narrative Exposure Therapy) Training program is designed to provide training and consultation to care providers (psychologists, licensed and trained counselors, physicians, doulas, etc.) on perinatal trauma treatment using Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET), a brief, culturally inclusive intervention for traumatic stress disorders. We will learn to use NET with specific emphasis on pregnancy, postpartum, and the early childhood period (0-5 years) ("Perinatal NET").

Description of Program

Perinatal NET Training is based on an experiential learning model which combines instruction, role-play, processing self-experienced stressful events in a confidential setting, self-reflection, developing body awareness (sometimes called "interoception"), and giving and receiving peer feedback, as well as receiving expert trainer feedback via monthly consultations. We hope this model will increase the group's skills and confidence in delivering evidence-based interventions (EBIs) for perinatal trauma.

Components of Program

The Perinatal NET Training Program includes three components*.

1. Each trainee will attend ONE intensive 3-day online workshop.

    • Workshops will be held from 9am-4pm CST.
    • Participation is expected for the entire duration of the workshop.
    • 2024 dates:
      • October 9th-11th

(2025 dates to be announced soon! Fill out this application to get on the outreach list.)

2. Trainees are invited to participate in monthly 2-hour group consultations with other perinatal trauma EBI providers beginning the month following the 3-day workshop.

    • Consultations will be held every fourth Friday from 1pm-3pm CST.

*Continuing Education (CE) credits include 16.75 credits (CME/SW/PSCH) for the 3-day workshop and 1 credit per monthly consultation session.

3. Trainees will also be asked to complete this application and a brief post-workshop survey. This application will ask about trainees' background information (role, title, professional background, etc.) and experiences with providing evidence-based treatments, how providing services impacts them personally, etc. The post-workship survey will take just a few minutes to complete.

Dr. Avelina Padin will use the data collected from the surveys to tailor the program and to assess its feasibility/appropriateness as well as the trainees' satisfaction and level of comfort, skill, and confidence delivering EBIs for traumatic stress disorders. The information may help the trainers improve and expand future trainings.

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