Please complete and submit an Advance Notice of Funding Submission form (ANFS) below to notify Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) of any upcoming funding submissions (LOI, Progress Report, or direct application (new funding proposal, supplement, transfer, resubmission) or renewal All of these types of submissions should be routed through the Rush Research Portal.
Our office requests that you complete an ANFS form 30 days prior to the Sponsor due date so that we can plan our workload accordingly this includes LOI submissions.
One ANFS form can be used to enter multiple submissions. Select the correct number of submissions on the form to fill out more than one submission per form.
To report any changes to a submission (i.e. withdrawl of submission, change of due date, change of project title, etc) please email the change to with as much detail as possible, including date ANFS was submitted, submission type (i.e. R01 new funding proposal) and the PI name.
NOTE: Letters of Intent (LOI): Rush is requested by the Direct Sponsor (another institution or organization) to complete documentation in preparation for an application they are submitting directly to the Prime Sponsor (funding agency). Rush is an expected subrecipient on the award or Rush is currently a subrecipient on the Direct Sponsor's award and they are requesting additional documentation to issue the next year of funding. It is required that you enter the name of the Direct Sponsor when completing an ANFS for an LOI.
New Funding Proposal/Resubmission/Renewal/Revision: These are all types of submissions that Rush directly submits to the Prime Sponsor.
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